Manufacturing engineering manager (Job with occasional home office)
Miesto práce
Zlaté Moravce (Job with occasional home office)
Ponúkaný plat
3 800 EUR/month + bonus
Druh pracovného pomeru
Trvalý pracovný pomer
Job description, responsibilities and duties
- Manage the Tooling Workshop, Maintenance and Process Engineering departments.
- Assure the availability of the resources (people, equipment, facilities, training) needed by his/her departments to perform their work in good conditions.
- Assure the proper working environment within the departments under his/her responsibility.
- Assure the focus of his/her departments in Safety, 5S, Quality, OEE and Material Flow improvements in the production areas.
- Monitor the KPIs related to his/her working areas and define and follow the necessary Action Plans in case the targets are not met.
- Be responsible for the application of the “lessons learned” regarding fields of his/her responsibility to any area in which it is possible.
- Manage the expenditures and budgets of the departments under his responsibility.
- Assure that the documentation related to the departments under his/her responsibility are periodically updated and followed.
- Work closely with industrialization to define/modify lay out for production workshop.
- Lead all activities to optimize manufacturing cost (raw material consumption, machine cycle, direct labour etc) during product lifecycle.
- Work closely with the Lean & CI Coordinator to propose and implement Continuous Improvement ideas in the fields of tooling, machinery, and manufacturing.
- Keep a proper service, coordination & communication with the internal customers (Project Managers, Production team, Quality…).
- Coordinate the maintenance and repair works with the Production and Operations departments in case they interfere with production.
- Be responsible for Neklar’s Safety regulations implementation in his/her responsibility areas.
- Comply with and enforce internal policies and regulations on Safety, Health, Environment and Compliance. Promote the motivation of workers towards occupational health and safety. As well as, to define and implement measures to reduce labour and environmental risks.
- Other duties as assigned.
Employee perks, benefits
- an interesting flexible working time model (arriving at work between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and leaving work after 3:30 p.m., on Fridays the possibility of leaving work after 1:00 p.m.),
- special working hours in the summer season (arrival between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., possibility of early departure from work every day from 1:00 p.m.),
- allowance for workforce regeneration (rehabilitation, physiotherapy, massage, wellness) in the amount of 50€,
- vitamin packages,
- Christmas gift,
- Christmas party,
- full support for further education in the form of trainings,
- interest in long-term cooperation,
- pleasant work team,
- work in a developing international company,
- a real opportunity for career development.
Requirements for the employee
- University education (Bachelor's degree)
- University education (Master's degree)
Educational Specialization
- techincal
Language skills
- English - Upper intermediate (B2) and Slovak - Advanced (C1)
Other knowledge
- Microsoft Outlook – Advanced
- Microsoft Word – Advanced
- Microsoft Excel - Advanced
Driving licence
- B
Personality requirements and skills
- Industrial Engineering or similar degree
- Experience (minimum 3 years) in a similar position within the automotive sector
- Good knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering
- Good knowledge of cold stamping tools and process
- Good knowledge of Microsoft Office
- Basic knowledge of 3D design software
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Asistent manažéra kvality v potravinárstve
Area HR Talent Specialist
Technický nákupca (Košice)
Predajca do autorizovaného showroomu predaja a servisu vozidiel
Technológ junior (Matúškovo)
Pracovná ponuka je pre kandidáta (ideálne absolvent), ktorý má záujem získať skúsenosti v automobilovom priemysle. Prax je možné získať aktívnym 6 mesačným vzdelávaním, ktoré spoločnosť aktuálne ponúka,
Procesný inžinier (Matúškovo)
VEDÚCI AL VÝROBY (okres Prešov)
okres Prešov
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Vedúci výroby (Medzev)
Vedúci výroby - plánovač výroby
Inžinier pre systém manažérstva kvality (okres Prievidza)
Procesný inžinier - lakovacie linky (Bánovce nad Bebravou)
Bánovce nad Bebravou (Pozícia umožňuje občasnú prácu z domu)
Inžinier kvality (Bánovce nad Bebravou)
Bánovce nad Bebravou (Pozícia umožňuje občasnú prácu z domu)
Financial controller