Finance Team Leader (Hlohovec)

Miesto práce


Ponúkaný plat

2 200 EUR/mesiac + osobné ohodnotenie (50€) + výsledná výška mzdy bude závisieť od skúseností kandidáta

Druh pracovného pomeru

Trvalý pracovný pomer

Objective of the Job / Definition of the Role

The Head of Accounting is responsible with the team for the area of accounting and taxes.

Main tasks

  • Leading of the Accounting team.
  • Ensure that the principles of proper accounting and tax regulations are observed at all times, including proper filing.
  • Timely creation of monthly and annual financial statements and preparation of them.
  • Responsibility for the timely creation and submission of all monthly reports to the tax office.
  • Regular cash planning (short and medium term) and administration of treasury.
  • Processing of various statistics.
  • Management of all business contracts.
  • Responsibility for the execution of the weekly dunning run including the creation of the "aging report" (overdue claims).
  • Responsible for bank account management.
  • Rolling monthly estimate of the expected annual result.
  • Maintenance of foreign currency rates in accordance with the group guidelines.

Secondary tasks

  • Contact person for the Financial Manager and the CFO in the area of accounting.
  • Planning and coordinating the tasks of the team members as well as conducting annual staff meetings.
  • Cooperation with tax consultants and auditors.
  • Acting as a deputy for Financial Manager.
  • Monitoring investments.
  • Warehouse reporting (minimizing inventory corrections and ensuring correct inventory valuation).

Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity

  • práca v stabilnej zahraničnej spoločnosti s dlhoročnou históriou
  • 13. plat + každoročné prehodnocovanie mzdy
  • stravné lístky v hodnote 4,85€ v čistom
  • flexibilná pracovná doba (38,5 hodín / týždeň)
  • home-office
  • firemné podujatia
  • jazykové kurzy a iné vzdelávanie
  • čerpanie nadčasov cez náhradné voľno
  • vecné dary

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

Pozícii vyhovujú uchádzači so vzdelaním

  • vysokoškolské I. stupňa
  • vysokoškolské II. stupňa
  • vysokoškolské III. stupňa

Jazykové znalosti

  • Anglický jazyk - Pokročilý (C1)

Vodičský preukaz

  • B

Professional skills


  • Master/Engineer in Economics
  • Expert in Accounting/Taxes
  • IT user of MS Office (Excel, Word, Outlook) and ERP system Dynamic NAV/Dynamics AX
  • English language
  • Leadership skills
  • Organizational skills

Counted as an advantage

  • Knowledge of accounting principles according IFRS
  • Knowledge of consolidation
  • Knowledge of software IBM COGNOS
  • German language

Other skills or characteristics


  • Analytical skills
  • Structured way of work
  • Customer oriented
  • Assertiveness
  • Responsibility
  • Self-driven
  • Teamwork
  • Flexibility
  • Loyalty

Counted as an advantage

  • Cooperation and assistance

Máte záujem?

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Elektrokonštruktér (Trenčín)


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